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Buy Valium Online: Cheap, Safe, Anonymous

Valium (Diazepam)

Valium is a diazepam brand manufactured by Roche—a Swiss pharmaceutical company. In turn, diazepam is an anxiolytic drug that belongs to benzodiazepines. Its main pharmacological effects are:

  • anxiolytic (e.g. it reduces anxiety);
  • sedative (inhibits brain activity which promotes calmness and/or state of sleep);
  • muscle-relaxant;
  • anticonvulsant (helps to relieve convulsions—seizures, when the person is shaking rapidly, rhythmically, and uncontrollably; with their muscles relaxing and contracting repeatedly);
  • amnestic (an effect associated with memory disorders, mainly memory loss).

Diazepam as a medication was first patented and marketed in the USA in 1963. As Valium, it is available in the form of 2, 5, or 10 mg tablets. Its FDA approval was last revised in 2016. This article briefly reviews all the information about Valium that could be useful for a patient.

Where to Buy Valium (Diazepam) Online – Safest Option

  • Medicine: Valium (Diazepam)
  • Dosage: 10 mg
  • Price: from $3.49 per pill

How it works?

Like with other benzodiazepines, diazepam’s mechanism of action lies in GABA facilitation. The molecules of the drug bind with the GABA receptors which changes ion transportation in the neurons, causing in turn reduced neuronal excitability. Binding with the receptors in different parts of the neural system, Valium causes various pharmacological effects. Inhibition of neural transmission in the limbic system reduces anxiety. Acting within the spinal cord and motor neurons, it promotes myorelaxation. And binding with the GABA receptors in the cortex, thalamus, and cerebellum creates sedative, amnestic, and anticonvulsant effects of the drug.


Valium is FDA-approved for:

  1. Treatment of anxiety disorders;
  2. Short-term alleviation from anxiety symptoms;
  3. In acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome management, to reduce:
    • hallucinosis
    • delirium tremens
    • tremor
    • acute agitation
  4. Reducing skeletal muscle spasms;
  5. Use in complex therapy of convulsive disorders.

There is also so-called “off-label” use when the doctors prescribe or use the medication for a purpose that was not specifically mentioned in FDA-approved indications. Mostly, it happens when the drug has proved useful during studies, but the data was not enough for label revision. In the case of Valium, it can be used for sedation in ICU and short-term spasticity relief in children who suffer from cerebral palsy.

Contraindications and warnings

Valium is contraindicated for use when the patient:

  • is known to be hypersensitive to diazepam (active ingredient);
  • is under 6 months of age (there is not enough clinical experience);
  • has myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune condition manifesting as skeletal muscle weakness of various degrees);
  • has severe respiratory or hepatic insufficiency;
  • has sleep apnea syndrome;
  • has acute narrow-angle glaucoma.

Diazepam is known to be teratogenic in rodents, can complicate pregnancy, and cause birth defects and withdrawal syndrome in newborn children. Therefore, it is recommended to rule out the possibility of pregnancy before administering the drug and revise its desirability if the patient plans pregnancy or gets pregnant. The medication can also pass to the breast milk which is why Valium therapy is not recommended during breastfeeding. Additionally, diazepam is prescribed with great caution to persons with a former history of alcohol, drugs, and substance abuse, due to the risk of dependence.



Benzodiazepines and opioids act in different CNS sites that control respiration. When used in parallel, they elevate the risk of respiratory depression.

Centrally Acting Agents

Phenothiazines, barbiturates, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics and narcotics, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, anesthetics, anxiolytics/sedatives, sedative antihistamines, MAO inhibitors, and other antidepressants can potentiate Valium or be potentiated by it. The decision on their concomitant use should be taken with extreme caution.


Alcohol-containing drugs (such as some cough syrups) or beverages can increase Valium’s sedative effect and, therefore, should be avoided.


Antacids are medications that neutralize some of the stomach acid reducing the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. When used in parallel with Valium, they can decrease its peak concentration to up to 30%. That is not a statistically meaningful difference, however, the lower absorption speed can affect the time of tangible effect which should be taken into account.

Certain enzyme inhibitors and inducers

Some medications that affect certain hepatic enzymes can increase the levels of diazepam. This goes to:

  • chloramphenicol
  • erythromycin
  • fluoxetine
  • ketoconazole

Some do the reverse thing. This includes:

  • barbiturates
  • carbamazepine
  • phenytoin
  • prednisone
  • rifampicin
  • rifampin
  • St. John’s wort
  • topiramate

Such interactions do not necessarily mean that these medications are mutually exclusive; sometimes, the dosage adjustment can be sufficient.


In addition to other interactions, Valium reduces the metabolic elimination of phenytoin which means it stays in the system longer.

Dosage and administration

The optimal dosage is usually adjusted individually. To achieve a better effect for the particular patient, the doctor will elevate the dose gradually to avoid adverse reactions. The standard dosages of Valium also vary depending on the condition and the patient’s age:

  • Anxiety disorders treatment and alleviation of anxiety symptoms: 2 to 10 mg, 2 to 4 times per day.
  • Acute alcohol withdrawal: 10 mg, 3 or 4 times during the first 24 hours, reducing to 5 mg, 3 or 4 times per day as needed.
  • In the complex treatment of skeletal muscle spasms: 2 to 10 mg, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • In the complex treatment of convulsive disorders: 2 to 10 mg, 2 to 4 times per day.
  • Patients of advanced age (geriatric) or those suffering a debilitating condition: start from 2–2.5 mg, one or two times per day. The dosage may be increased gradually if needed and well-responded to.
  • Children older than 6 months: start from the lowest possible dose and increase gradually if needed and well-responded to.

Valium can be used with or without food. If in doubt, consult your doctor for advice.

Possible side effects

Serious adverse reactions to diazepam that require immediate medical help include:

  • Bradycardia
  • Cardiovascular collapse
  • Dependency and abuse
  • Hypotension
  • Paradoxical CNS stimulation
  • Respiratory depression
  • Suicidality
  • Syncope
  • Withdrawal symptoms

Common side effects of Valium:

  • Sedation
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Anterograde amnesia
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Tremor
  • Urinary retention
  • Incontinence
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Libido changes
  • Rash
  • Menstrual irregularities

If you notice any adverse reaction upon taking Valium, notify your doctor as soon as possible. Because the medication can make you drowsy and slow down your reflexes, driving and operating other vehicles is not recommended when you are taking Valium.


Valium is a brand of a benzodiazepine anxyolityc diazepam. It is manufactured by a Swiss company named Roche. Its most common indications include treatment of anxiety disorders and short-term anxiety-relieving and the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal. It can also be prescribed in combination with other drugs to manage convulsions, skeletal muscle spasms, and symptoms of cerebral palsy in children.


What is Valium?

Valium is a brand name of diazepam: a medication indicated to treat anxiety and some other conditions.

What you should remember when prescribed Valium?

Follow the doctor’s instructions precisely. Avoid drinking alcohol and driving due to the potential side effects of the drug.

Is Valium safe?

Valium has contraindications and is not recommended in some cases (the patient is allergic or with child, takes incompatible medicine, etc.). If you have been completely honest with your doctor regarding your history, and they prescribed you Valium, it likely is safe for you.

Are there side effects of Valium?

Yes, Valium can cause side effects. If you notice any negative changes in your physical and mental health after you started taking Valium, talk to your doctor.