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Four Ways to Help Protect Your Spine and Back

Most Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. In fact, back pain is the most common reason for missed workdays and doctors visits. The human back consists of over 200 muscles; an estimated 120 of those muscles support the spine.

There is no denying the connection between a healthy back and our wellbeing, movement and survival. Just like we take care of our brains, there are easy ways to protect the spine and back from injury and prolonged pain.

Watch your Posture

Posture can be the determining factor between placing excess pressure on the back and spine or not. Proper sitting posture should support the back. This can be achieved by sitting up straight with the spine aligned, shoulders back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and weight evenly distributed.

Training the body to sit properly may feel uncomfortable at first; however, your back and body will thank you by not being sore from excess strain.

Get Up and Stand Up

The body is not designed to sit in the same position for extended periods of time. Even with proper sitting posture, it is important to get up and move throughout the day.

Ideally, a person should stand up and briefly walk around after 30 minutes of sitting. However, if this is not an option, it can be helpful to set an alarm or a reminder to move around throughout the day.

Exercise, especially your Core

Exercise generally improves all elements of health. A daily exercise routine of walking, running or approved weight or body-weight lifting regime can help improve back strength and spinal support.

Besides building back muscles, it is important to also strengthen the core muscles, which help support the spine as well. Click here for a few core exercise ideas.


Exercise and stretching go hand and hand. Muscle strengthening is only beneficial if the body also receives the necessary stretching and recovery it deserves.

Stretching benefits the body as well as the mind. Taking 15 minutes to stretch daily when you wake up or before you go to sleep can be a great time to reflect and take a mental break.

Please find examples of helpful backstretches here.

Kuether Brain & Spine wants to be a resource to any person suffering from back pain or those wanting to protect their backs and spines.

Dr. Kuether will work to find the right solution for any patient’s back pain by analyzing and diagnosing each patient uniquely.

Medically regulated and recommended exercise, physical therapy, medications, alternative medicine and finally, surgery can all be possible solutions for treating back pain.